Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough
Sedation is a procedure increasingly requested by patients in the dental office as it helps them to considerably control the anxiety and fear involved in going to the dentist and undergoing treatment.
One of the advantages of sedation is that it can be used both in simple procedures such as dental cleaning and in other much more invasive and complex procedures such as dental implant surgery. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
What is Sedation Dentistry?
It is a technique by which, through the administration of drugs or gases, the patient’s level of consciousness is reduced, which induces a state of relaxation and tranquility that allows the dentist to work without problems.
It is important to mention that there are different types of sedation used in dentistry and it is the dentist who decides which of them is the most appropriate for the patient in relation to their health history, the type of procedure to be performed, the level of anxiety and/or fear, but of course this decision is also determined by the patient’s preferences.
Although sedation is considered a safe technique, it must first be verified that the patient is fit to undergo it. Furthermore, not just any dentist can perform it, but only those who have the required academic preparation, although more and more dentists are being trained to be able to administer minimal sedation (that which is performed with nitrous oxide or triazolam), others, such as some maxillofacial surgeons, can administer moderate (intravenous) sedation.
The most commonly used form of sedation is conscious sedation (the patient remains awake) with nitrous oxide, which is a gas that is inhaled through a mask. It is an excellent and safe alternative for those patients with anxiety in the dental office, since its effect disappears once the administration of the gas is interrupted. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
Who should consider Sedation Dentistry?
As we have already mentioned, this procedure is especially useful in those patients who suffer from a high degree of fear and anxiety before the dental consultation.
It can also be used in children who refuse to cooperate during the consultation, those who are very restless or who also suffer from fear. It should be noted that nitrous oxide is a safe alternative in children, but great care should be taken with the dosage used.
Other types of patients who benefit from this technique are:
-Those with decreased sensitivity to local anesthesia.
-Those with special needs (cognitive or physical).
-Those with a very sensitive gag reflex.
-Those with a fear of needles.
-People with a very low pain threshold.
-Those who for some reason cannot remain still in the dentist’s chair (especially during long treatments).
In relation to the procedures in which it can be used we have:
-Tooth extraction, especially third molars.
-Dental implant surgery.
-Bone graft surgery.
-In periodontal surgical treatments such as: Periodontal flap surgery and gum grafting.
Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
The benefits of sedation in dentistry are not limited to the patient, but also have a positive impact on the dentist’s work.
It helps the patient to remain comfortable, calm and relaxed during the procedure, relieving symptoms of anxiety and fear.
In children, in addition to helping them remain calm, it is also a way of preventing them from going through a traumatic situation that can induce fear or aggravate it (especially in invasive treatments such as surgery or root canals).
For their part, the dentist can work comfortably, smoothly, without interruptions, faster, etc., which in turn can reduce the number of consultations required in a treatment. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
The cost will vary depending on the type of sedation used and the length of treatment. In most clinics sedation is charged by the hour, so the longer the treatment lasts the higher the cost will be.
In general terms we can say that the cost of nitric oxide sedation is around £150 (per hour), oral sedation (with triazolam) can be from £80 and intravenous sedation from £350 per hour. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
First of all, it is usual for the dentist to instruct the patient not to eat anything for at least 5/6 hours before starting the procedure. As each technique has its differences, we will explain the most relevant details below:
Nitrous oxide: This gas is combined with oxygen and is breathed through a mask. The dentist can control the amount of gas the patient receives and its effects disappear between 15 and 30 minutes after it is stopped. It is the only type of sedation in which the patient can drive home after the procedure.
Oral sedation: In this type of sedation, a pill (triazolam) is administered to the patient approximately one hour before the operation. This pill produces drowsiness in the patient but the patient will remain conscious, although a higher dose may be administered to achieve moderate sedation (in this case the patient may fall asleep). Together with nitrous oxide it is the most commonly used type of sedation. Depending on the dose, its recovery period can last up to 24 hours.
Intravenous conscious sedation: As the name suggests, the sedative is administered intravenously, which gives it a rapid action. This type of sedation is moderate and the patient remains in a semi-awake state and will probably not remember anything about the procedure. Due to the levels of sedation achieved, it is necessary for the patient to have the assistance of a family member or companion to drive them home after the consultation; since it is not in a condition to drive (it would be very dangerous). It is also necessary for the patient to rest until the effects of the sedation have completely disappeared (approximately 24 hours). Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
Why Westmount Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough Clinic?
As mentioned above, sedation techniques can only be performed by dentists who are academically prepared and certified, and fortunately for you at Westmount Dental Surgery, we have them.
After performing a thorough evaluation and reviewing your medical history, our dentists will be able to determine which type of sedation is most appropriate for you and your needs, and at what dosage. You can rest assured that you are under the care and attention of professionals who are held to high standards of excellence and professional ethics. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.
Our results
Most of our patients describe the use of sedation as a highly positive experience that has allowed them to cope with their anxiety at the dentist and be able to undergo the treatments they need in a calm, comfortable, stress-free and hassle-free manner. They have also experienced a rapid recovery without experiencing significant side effects. Contact Sedation Dentist Middlesbrough at 01642 850011 or email us at to get free consultation about sedation dentist appointment.